Who Is Killing Canada's Judges

This blog is dedicated to the memory of the murders of the Canadian judges connected to the Water War Crimes who were induced to commit crimes on the bench and subsequently died after their crimes were exposed.

It is highly probably several of these judges were murdered.

This is an important issue.

These judges were victims of a criminal gang operating inside the government of Canada. The criminal gang induced them to breach their judicial oath and then they were murdered when they became a liability.

This web site should be read by every judge in Canada and every lawyer who is considering becoming a judge so that they are aware of the dangers

Monday, July 9, 2012

Was Another Canadian Judge Murdered By Insiders?

Carolyn Laydon Stevenson 
Judge Carole Layden Stevenson ( shown in photo on the left) dropped dead, suddenly, from unexplained causes, in Ottawa, on June 27, 2012. She is death number 32 in the Graveyard of the Guilty and she is also the 12th judge to die shortly after her questionable conduct while on the bench made public.

There is good reason to believe Judge Carolyn Laydon Stevenson was murdered in order to protect those who instructed her to break her Oath of Office and make a perverse ruling against Mr. Carten and Ms. Gibbs at the Federal Court of Appeal.

Allan Lutfy 
In our opinion, the sudden death of Judge Carolyn Layden Stevenson was the direct and logical conseqence of a dirty crooked judicial game played by Chief Justice Allan Lufty of Canada's Federal Court, a prothonotary of that court, in Vancouver, named Roger Lafreniere and Justice Joanne Gauthier, formerly a judge of the Federal Court and now a judge of the Federal Court of Appeal. Instead of doing their jobs, as they are required to by the law, they bent, twisted and perverted the law to deny Mr. Carten and Ms. Gibbs their fundamental right to bring their case to court and when Mr. Carten and Ms. Gibbs appealed their collective trickery or chicanery, as it is called in legal circles to the Federal Court of Appeal, and when the appeal was filed, some dirty lawyers for the Canadian and British Columbia Government, and several government agencies named in the lawsuit decided to ask the Federal Court of Appeal for an order to block the appeal Judge Carolyn Layden Stevenson was picked to decide the application to block the appeal and, knowing that what she was doing was a grave injustice and contrary to fundamental law, Judge Carolyn Layden Stevenson broke the law to favour her friends colleagues and to cause harm to Mr. Carten and Ms. Gibbs and a few months later she was dead.

So, was she murdered or did she murder herself?

Roger Lafreniere 
We don't have the answer to this question but we can say with confidence that if Prothonotary Lafreieniere, Chief Justice Alan Lutfy, and Justice Jonanne Gauthier had applied the law, like it was supposed to be applied, if they had not bent twisted and perverted the law, like they did, Judge Carolyn Layden Stevenson would never have been asked to help them out with their corruption and she would probably still be alive today.   
Joanne Gauthier 
We don't wish to only blame these three judges for the death of Judge Layden Stevensen because they had the help of the dirty lawyers for the Governments of Canada and British Columbia and several government agencies who were party to the litigation who drew the formal legal documents that asked Justice Laden Stevensen to bend twist and pervert the law to benefit their clients and to cause harm to Mr. Carten and Ms. Gibbs.

These lawyers, Hugh Gwillim with the Government of British Columbia, Lisa Riddell and Brenda Carbonell with the Government of Canada, Michael Armstrong for the Law Society of British Columbia, and James Sullivan representing Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd.  were all part of a drity crooked little legal game that dirty crooked lawyers like to play and they drew in Judge Layden Stevenson and now she is dead from it and,  in our opinion, they all guilty of the murder of Judge Layden Stevenson. 

1 comment:

  1. Ottawa has a lot of crooked judges and lawyers. Athena Basta for example is as crooked as they come.
